Students Loans Board of Higher Education (HESLB)is expected to announce requirements and criteria to be used to assign students Loans for higher education for the academic year 2017/2018 which is expected to start in the next few months.
The full explanation was given (Friday, July 7, 2017) in Dar es Salaam by the Assistant Director of Information, Education and Communication HESLB, Dr. Cosmas Mwaisobwa while responding to questions of some of the customers who visited HESLB in the Exhibition 41 International Business.
"We finish the lending guidelines for the next academic year and we planned that before the end of this month of July we should have declare and we opened our network to qualified applicants to apply," said Dr. Mwaisobwa.
Dr. Mwaisobwa urged prospective applicants for loans to be vigilant and closely monitor the media and HESLB website (www.heslb.go.tz) in which a link (link) for the loan application system will be available.
Initially, in the exhibition, some of the citizens who expect to apply for loans for higher education had the opportunity to ask a variety of questions, including the date on which the Board will begin receiving applications for loans for the academic year 2017/2018.
Other questions raised is whether the procedure of admission through the college directly affects access to loans, others wanted to get more knowledge about the gradual recovery of loans.
Commenting on these questions, Dr. Mwaisobwa said establishing HESLB Act, among other things, requires the beneficiary to start repaying its loan 24 months after graduating.
The director of the HESLB said that the law requires any employer to submit to HESLB names of its employees who are both graduates of institutions of higher education within 28 days after the recruit and the Board shall inform if beneficiaries or not with the procedure and the severing beneficiary.
Reviewed by ZOO MWAMBA
12:50 PM
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